Thursday, May 28, 2009

1. What piece of work am I most proud of? Explain.
The work i am most proud of was the cooking recipe we did in math class. I am proud of it, because I think that i out a lot of effort into it. I enjoyed doing that activity for I found it very fun. As most work, there had to be paper work, however, this activity's paper work was fun to do. I got to use some of my creative skills and managed to bake decent cookies for class.

2. What were your greatest challenges?Explain.
To me, the gratest chanllange would be to work in a group with people I don't know. Because I don't know them, I get shy and and can't think of anything to say. An example of this would be the 1st presentation we did on homo erectus, where I was grouped up with strangers. At first, it felt uncomfortable to bee with them, althogh they were both girls. As a result, I said very little and was a little behind in work. As more days passed, I soon got comfortable with my peers and along the way, made new friends. It takes some time for me to be sociable with others.

3.Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Throughout this year, I have learnt that I have some weak points and some strong. Some of my weak points that involve being sociable and outgoing. My strong points would have to be being creative while doing projects and working with friends.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category (provide explanations).

a. Behavior.
Satisfactory = I think this because I rarely make noise in class while the teacher is talking, mostly because dont have anything to say.

b. Participation.
Satisfactory = I participation in class is satisfactory because I often participate. The reason I don't participate, is becasue I wont be able to explain.

c. Organizations.
Satisfactory =

d. Efforts
Satisfactory =

Making Da Diff :)

Although I know that many people around the world are trying to save the earth by doing many things, I think that the most important and reasonable way to save the Earth is the 3 R's, which stand for reuse, reduce, and recycle. These 3 R's are involved in everyday life even though many people ignore them. The first R, reuse. There are many objects in our daily life that we can use to prevent wastage. Such as, using both sides of paper, so that the other side of paper is not wasted. As most of us know, paper comes from trees, and the more paper we want, the more trees are cut down. Trees give us oxygen, and so if more trees are cut down, we receive less fresh air, and animals lose their homes. The second R, is reduce. One of the many ways to reduce is by reducing the amount of electricity we use at home. The less we use, not only are we saving money, but we are also saving the Earth from many types of pollution. Such as, light pollution, sound pollution and air pollution. Finally, the last R. Recycle. Recycling is a major thing that I think if everyone did, we could make a big difference. By recycling, we are also reducing and reusing. There are many things we can recycle, such as plastic, paper, etc. When recycling, the products are sent to a recycling plant and are made into new things. This means that we are REUSING the same material but get new products. If we are reusing the same material, it means that we are REDUCING the amount of trees that need to be cut down or the amount of plastic bottles that need to be made. To me, they are all important however, it is up to US to put these into action. If we work together, WE can all save the Earth no doubt :)


Courage to me means being able to try something new without hesitating. For example, I really want to skydive but I’m afraid to or being able to make a new friend on the first day of school. To me, it also means being able to stand up for yourself when you need to. Like if your being bullied but you stand up to the bully. Not showing people that you are afraid and also never saying "I can't do it." Never give up when you do say “I can’t do it.” Being able to change the world and the way people see it. The time that I showed courage was when I represented my class in a story telling competition but I still haven’t overcome my fear of stage fright yet.